API Documentation
The first thing you should do is to find your own API key from the Settings.
Get MetadaData Sources
Get all the Metadata Sources of the MORE aggregator using some filters if necessary.
Method | GET http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/metadataSources |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | [ {"id": 38, "name": "Metadata source 3 -KAMRA", "projectId": 3, "type": "OAI_PMH"}, {"id": 134, "name": "Test - duplications", "projectId": 3, "type": "OAI_PMH"} ] |
Status | 200 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Get a specific MetadaData Source
Get a spedific Metadata Source of the MORE aggregator given the id of the source.
Method | GET http://more.locloud.eu:8080/more_api/api/v1/metadataSources/{id} |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | {"id": 134,"format": "EDM", "name": "Test_duplications", "projectId": 3, "rootElement": "record", "schema": "OAI_DC", "set": "ARC3", "type": "OAI_PMH", "uri": "http://more.locloud.eu:8080/locloud/", "webUrl": ""} |
Status | 200 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Create a MetadaData Source
Create a Metadata Source in the MORE aggregator.
Method | POST http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/metadataSources |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | {"format": "EDM", "name": "Test API", "projectId": 3, "rootElement": "record", "schema": "OAI_DC", "set": "ARC1", "type": "OAI_PMH", "uri": "http://api.test.eu", "webUrl": ""} |
Response | {"id": 172,"format": "EDM", "name": "Sample API MetadataSource", "projectId": 3, "rootElement": "record", "schema": "OAI_DC", "set": "ARC3", "type": "OAI_PMH", "uri": "http://sample.locloud.eu:8080/locloud/", "webUrl": ""} |
Status | 201 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Get Packages
Get all the packages of the MORE aggregator.
Method | GET http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | [ {"id": 1144, "schema": "OAI_DC", "sourceId": 133, "status": "Rejected" }, {"id": 1146, "schema": "OAI_DC", "sourceId": 134, "status": "Published"}, {"id": 1149, "schema": "OAI_DC", "sourceId": 134, "status": "Enriched"} ] |
Status | 200 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Get a specific Package
Get details for a spedific package of the MORE aggregator, given an id.
Method | GET http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages/{packageId} |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-MORe-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | {"id": 1146, "itemsCount": 11, "itemsEnriched": 0, "itemsIngected": 11, "itemsPublished": 0, "itemsTransformed": 0, "pubDatastreamId": 0, "rightsId": 0, "schema": "OAI_DC", "sourceId": 134, "status": "Published" } |
Status | 200 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Get package datastreams
Get datastreams for a specific package of the MORE aggregator, given an id.
Method | GET http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages/{packageId}/datasreams/{schema} |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | [ {"itemId": 5322222, "uri": "http://more.locloud.eu/rest_get_item.php?package=1146&schema=OAI_DC&file=5322222.xml"}, {"itemId": 5322223, "uri": "http://more.locloud.eu/rest_get_item.php?package=1146&schema=OAI_DC&file=5322223.xml"} ] |
Status | 200 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Get package tasks
Get the tasks completed for a specific package of the MORE aggregator, given an id.
Method | GET http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages/{packageId}/tasks |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | [ {"desc": "Package 498 is ready for ingestion.", "timestamp": "2014-10-14 12:49:34.0"} ] |
Status | 200 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Get package notifications
Get the notifications created for a specific package of the MORE aggregator, given an id.
Method | GET http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages/{packageId}/notifications |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | [ {"desc": "A new package [498] has been created.", "timestamp": "2014-10-14 12:49:14.0"}, {"desc": "Harvest complete for package 498", "timestamp": "2014-10-14 12:49:24.0"}, {"desc": "Validation complete for package 498", "timestamp": "2014-10-14 12:49:34.0"} ] |
Status | 200 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Harvest a Package
Harvest a package to the MORE aggregator.
Method | POST http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/metadataSources/{id}/harvest |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | { "packageId": 1299, "schema": "OAI_DC", "sourceId": 134} |
Status | 201 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Ingest a Package
Ingest a package to the MORE aggregator.
Method | POST http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages/{packageId}/ingest |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | { "msg": "Ingest request received.", "packageId": 1299, "schema": "OAI_DC", "sourceId": 134 } |
Status | 201 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Transform a Package
Transform a package to the MORE aggregator.
Method | POST http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages/{packageId}/transform |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | {"mappingId":5,"rightsId":1} |
Response | {"msg": "Transform request received.", "packageId": 1299, "mappingId": 5,"rightsId": 1} |
Status | 201 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Enrich a Package
Enrich a package of the MORE aggregator.
Method | POST http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages/{packageId}/enrich |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | {"enrichPlanId":22} |
Response | {"msg": "Enrich request received.", "packageId": 1299, "enrichPlanId": 22 } |
Status | 201 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Publish a Package
Publish a package of the MORE aggregator.
Method | POST http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages/{packageId}/publish |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | {"schema": "EDM"} |
Response | { "msg": "Publish request received.", "packageId": 1299, "schema": "EDM" } |
Status | 201 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Reject a Package
Reject a package of the MORE aggregator.
Method | DELETE http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages/{packageId}/reject |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | {"message": "Reject Message"} |
Response | { "msg": "Reject request received.", "packageId": 1299 } |
Status | 201 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Delete a Package
Delete a package from the MORE aggregator.
Method | POST http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages/{packageId}/delete |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | { "msg": "Delete request received.", "packageId": 1301 } |
Status | 201 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Withdraw a Package
Withdraw a package from the MORE aggregator.
Method | POST http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages/{packageId}/withdraw |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | key |
Response | { "msg": "Withdraw request received.", "packageId": 1299 } |
Status | 201 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Get mappings
Get the mappings that correspond to a spesific provider
Method | GET http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/packages/{packageId}/mappings |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | [ {"id": 5, "title": "OAI_DC to EDM"} ] |
Status | 200 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Get rights
Get the rights appeared in all packages of each provider
Method | GET http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/rights |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response |
[ {"id": 1, "name": "The Public Domain Mark (PDM)"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Out of copyright - non commercial re-use (OOC-NC)"}, {"id": 3, "name": "The Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0)"}, {"id": 4, "name": "Creative Commons - Attribution (BY)"}, {"id": 5, "name": "Creative Commons - Attribution, ShareAlike (BY-SA)"}, {"id": 6, "name": "Creative Commons - Attribution, No Derivatives (BY-ND)"}, {"id": 7, "name": "Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial (BY-NC)"}, {"id": 8, "name": "Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA)"}, {"id": 9, "name": "Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND)"}, {"id": 10, "name": "Free access - no re-use"}, {"id": 11, "name": "Paid access - no re-use"}, {"id": 12, "name": "Orphan work"}, ] |
Status | 200 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Get enrichment plans
Get the enrichment plans of the provider
Method | GET http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/enrichmentPlans |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | [ {"id": 1, "schema": "EDM", "title": "Standard EDM Enrichment Plan"} ] |
Status | 200 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Get projects
Get the projects that a provider belongs to
Method | GET http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/projects |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | [ {"acronym": "LoCloud", "projectId": 3} ] |
Status | 200 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |
Get schemas
Get the available schemas.
Method | GET http://more.locloud.eu:8080/MoRe_API/api/v1/schemas |
Content Type | application/json |
Custom Headers | X-API-Key |
Request | |
Response | [ {"schema": "CARARE", "schemaId": 1,} {"schema": "CARARE20", "schemaId": 2,} {"schema": "OAI_DC", "schemaId": 3,} {"schema": "EDM", "schemaId": 4,} {"schema": "eEDM", "schemaId": 5,} {"schema": "ESE", "schemaId": 6,} {"schema": "LIDO", "schemaId": 7,} ] |
Status | 200 : OK 500 : INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR |