Available enrichment micro-services. List of available enrichment micro-services.
This service performs language identification on specified elements based on their textual content. The elements currently supported are: description, creator, contributor, rights, publisher, subject.
This service normalizes in an appropriate way the coordinates to the class edm:Place. The normalizations include identifying concatenated coordinates, splitting based on delimiters, etc.
The purpose of LoGeo micro-service is to recognize (NER-Name Entity Recognition) a given place name and return one or more recognized place names candidates accompanied by geographical coordinates.
This service receives as input a place name and returns as output a set of coordinates. The service takes edm:Place as input and use Geonames in order to perform the geo-coding process.
This service receives as input a set of coordinates from edm:Place and returns as output a place name. The place names is reverse geo-coded using the Geonames service.
The Vocabulary micro-service allows users to create collections of thesauri terms and insert them automatically into all items of their aggregated packages.
The Vocabulary matching service automatically assigns relevant concepts and terms from selected vocabularies to Cultural Heritage items. The service receives as input metadata from the aggregated package and returns automatically the items enriched with the links to one or more relevant concept.
The Background link micro-service aims to enrich automatically Cultural Heritage items with external elements. The metadata from the aggregated package is used as input and returns background links annotations on text (title, description) based on DBpedia, Wikipedia.
The DAI ( Deutsches Archäologisches Institut) Gazetteer connects toponyms with coordinates. It was initially built as an authority file / controlled vocabulary for any geo-related information in information systems of the DAI. Furthermore it is meant to link these data with other worldwide gazetteer-systems.
This service transforms the coordinates from a Coordinate Reference System (CRS) to the default CRS (WGS 84 - EPSG:4326) of Europeana Data Model.
This service eases the task of linking among datasets that define periods differently. It also helps scholars and students see where period definitions overlap or diverge.
The Thesauri Mappings micro-service allows users to create collections of thesauri mappings from native terms found in the harvested metadata and map them to another standardised thesaurus.
The pelagios service aims to connect historical places with a given place name.
GeoInvertion Micro-service.
The pleiades service aims to connect historical places with a given place name.